Film Still aus - The Choice Is Ours: What Is the Future of the Japanese Constitution?
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The Choice Is Ours: What Is the Future of the Japanese Constitution?

Japan 2015
Regie: Hisako Matsui
126 Min.

The Japanese Constitution tells us “how I as an individual can live a decent life.” We live in a rather strange nation where “the superiors somewhere up there” decide what we the people should decide. Hisako Matsui has directed several masterpiece films including “Yukie” (1998), “Oriume” (2002), “Leonie” (2010), and “What Are You Afraid of?” (2015), her 1st documentary film on the feminists’ activities in Japan. In November of 2016, Hisako released the renewal version of her 2nd documentary film on the Japanese Constitution; the original version was released in May of 2016, with an eye on the general election 2 months later. Now, our rights guaranteed in the Constitution are facing a critical situation. The Constitution declares “renunciation of war,” but we may end up joining the nations with the right of belligerency. We, sovereigns of our nation, naturally have the rights and responsibility to choose how we live and what body politic we should constitute. Unfortunately, more and more people in Japan are staying away from politics; we are on the verge of giving up the final stronghold of the Constitution. This film focuses on the opinions of such unknown citizens as students, housewives, or freelance workers, as well as on those of the intellectuals from various fields. This film is one of the must-see films; it records exactly what you want to watch and what you want to listen to now. In early January of 2017, this film ranked No. 10, in the Culture Film Section of “The Cinema Reports Japan.”

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